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Today I wanted to share my inspiration for 2019 and hopefully inspire you along the way.
Some people do resolutions, some do “intentions”, some make lists, and some are already back to old ways come mid January. But I think most of us see the New Year as an opportunity to either start over or hit the refresh button on our goals.
I could spend all day writing about ALL THE THINGS I want to do, aspire to, and am trying to accomplish but that post would be much too long. So I’m focusing on just four words that I want to use as a sort of header for my resolutions.
Love. I want to deepen and grow the relationships with those I love. God first, my husband, kids, and friendships. I want to do things with love, and add the “extra” touch of it into everything I do. Simple, yet something we could all strive to do.
Joy. I want to worry less and live fully in the moment. I want to plan, but to be able to laugh when things don’t go as planned. I want to be joyful & make our home so full of happiness! Joy is contagious. I want to show my children joy, and have them be able to have joyous little hearts.
Kindness. I want to see beyond myself, and reach out to others. A compliment, a plate of cookies, a phone call. This might mean stepping out of my comfort zone but that’s kinda the point! Let’s all throw kindness around like confetti!
Creativity. This year I told my husband that I really want to find more time for my blog, photography, and all my other creative pursuits. I have this deep desire to create and make things beautiful, hence “Caitlin’s Beauty Closet”… I want to delve into my ideas and be able to express and share about the things I am passionate about. I know I am capable of so much, and this is my year to start uncovering that!
I hope you enjoyed this post and that it got your wheels turning for 2019. To stay inspired I created a vision board on Pinterest, search for caitlinsbeautycloset or Caitlin Klassen if you want to take a peek!
Thanks for stopping by!
What a pretty planner, and those stickers! 😍
Thank you! It helps me better stay organized when things look pretty 😉